The Friends of Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge are excited to announce the “opening” of our online bookstore which can be found at   With the creation of this virtual store we hope to reach those refuge supporters that are not able to visit the refuge on a regular basis.  Profits from the sales from this store, just like our onsite store, go to benefit the Environmental Education program at Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge.

Friends members watch your email for a discount code that you can use on items except for donation or sales items.  Not a friends member?  That’s okay, there’s a link on the store site that takes you to our membership page!  New items will be added regularly, so visit often.

The creation of the online bookstore was made possible by a grant from the National Fish and Wildlife Foundation and with the help of our refuge volunteers and Friends members.  For the last several months we have been working behind the scenes on this project.

The Friends of Tennessee NWR hope you will visit the refuge and the Blue Heron Book Store in the refuge visitor center.  If you can not make it to the refuge and need a gift for a nature lover, we hope you will visit our virtual store at and support our Friends Group to achieve our mission.

It is with heavy hearts that the Board of Directors of the Friends of Tennessee National Wildlife Refuge announce the cancellation of the 2023 Wings of Winter Birding Festival that was to be held on January 11th to the 13th. The WOW festival has been the Friends Group major fundraising event over the last several years. However, due to COVID and other things beyond our control, prices have gone up dramatically. The price of the vans alone has had over a 350% increase in cost.  We have prided ourselves in offering a low cost birding experience and we are no longer able to do that.

As always, we appreciate your support, both past and present and hopefully well into the future. Please continue to come visit our wonderful refuges and surrounding areas. The birds will still be here for you to enjoy.

Thank you,

As we keep our eyes on the future, let us remind you where we are currently today.  Our refuge Visitor Center is open Monday thru Friday from 8am to 4pm.  Those refuge lands that are normally open at this time of the year remain open.

The refuge is a perfect place to get outside for a bit and soak in the peace and serenity that abounds here. We urge you while visiting the refuge, please wear a mask and keep the appropriate social distance.

On days you cannot come visit, check out our link to the left “Activities with kids and nature”.  It is chocked full of family friendly nature activities and crafts that can be done at home.

We urge you to take the best care to protect yourself during these scary times.